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Street Associations

Start a Street Association

Make your street your ‘village’!

With the strap-line ‘friendship, fun, belonging, a helping hand’, as Street Association is a really positive contemporary format for bringing people together in real community. It’s small (just your street) and that means that people are actually more likely to be interested (they like to meet neighbours, more than people who live half a mile away!)  A Street Association is run by a core group of residents, who meet up every so often (for a bit of a laugh, more than a committee meeting!) and ask, ‘What shall we do next?” Typically, Street Associations put on events, like a kid’s party at Christmas, or a BBQ, picnic, trip or quiz night – or maybe a curry evening or fish & chips supper – just to bring people together.

Once people have met at these events, the friendliness flows. They now feel free to stop and chat, ask for help or offer help and neighbours often become friends! It genuinely transforms a street into one that nobody wants to leave. We’ve had so many comments from members like: “We should be feel proud of what we’ve achieved”; “It’s the smiling that makes the difference”; and “the street has become more like a family”. Isolation is addressed, the generations come together, as do the ethnic groups in real friendship, practical help flows to those who need it and a lot of fun is had. People who literally never communicated before beome best friends.

So how do I get started?

We have downloadable letters to put through neighbours’ doors, clear advice on where, when and how – and resources such as window or car stickers.

Just order our free Starter Pack and you’ll get an email with everything you need to know about how to make it happen. Go on – have a go!

You won’t regret it!

Take a look at the ITV News feature on a Street Association Christmas party!

How to donate

We need, and greatly appreciate, voluntary donations, particularly to support our work in underprivileged areas.

Donate via PayPal

Suggested: £5 voluntary donation when requesting a Starter Pack, to support this work.

Many thanks for your support!

Sending Cheques

Cheques should be made out to Hope Together and sent to

Hope Together, The Basement Office
2 Fournier Street
E1 6QE


Thanks for your support