Wouldn’t it be great if the community spirit we saw in the first Lock-down could be recaptured for the long term?
It’s happening! Discover how from this website and what it could mean for your street!
We know that people in Dudley borough care about their communities, and never has this been more obvious than during the Covid pandemic.
People from all walks of life came together to support others in their community, and we have witnessed amazing acts of kindness and community spirit. From food shopping, running errands, phoning people who live on their own or are self-isolating and collecting prescriptions, to organising socially distanced street get-togethers for VE day, setting up street-based WhatsApp groups to stay connected, and creating community arts to lift people’s spirits; many people reached out and supported their neighbours and communities in creative and inspiring ways.
As we look to the future, how can we make sure that these strengthened community connections and relationships don’t just disappear as life has moved on? We want to build on the most positive aspect of the Covid experience – this increase in community spirit – and help local people regain it.
That way, we can together spread neighbourly help for those that need it, share friendliness, have fun together, tackle isolation and create a more positive, supportive environment for all.
The As One initiative aims to inspire and support ALL of us to strengthen our local communities street-by-street and we have highlighted ways to help you get involved where you live. Read about how other people across the borough are filling their street with friendliness. We also share what people, groups and organisations are doing to bring people together and support community spirit to flourish, including through starting a Street Association.
We also want to help capture and share stories from our local streets, neighbourhoods, communities and from across the borough, so as to inspire others to get involved and make a difference where they live.

Dudley Borough’s As One initiative is bringing together a partnership of people and organisations convinced that the community spirit brought about by the Covid crisis must not be lost as the crisis lifts. I would encourage all residents and organisations to get involved and actively help As One take root where they live and work.
Cllr Nicolas Barlow, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council
The churches of Dudley are thrilled to be a vibrant and committed part of the As One initiative, facilitating local people in each neighbourhood to come together, organise themselves and combine together to fill their own street with friendliness. Friendship, fun, belonging, a helping hand on each street – what’s not to like? We can do this and together bring lasting good out of the most difficult circumstances!
Adrian Lowe, Chairman, Love Dudley network of churches
I’m delighted to support the As-One initiative. The people of Dudley came together in a remarkable way during the first Lockdown and as communities we have continued ‘As-One’ ever since. The campaign now builds on that spirit of neighbourliness, encouraging us all to ‘Fill our streets with Friendliness’ and keep doing so in the months and years ahead. We need to keep looking out for each other as we seek to build a better future for our Borough of Dudley. So lets go forward, As-One!
Rt Rev Martin Gorick, Bishop of Dudley
During the past few years, the community spirit of Dudley Borough citizens has seen us through many trying times. Now, more than ever, it’s very important to maintain it. The As One initiative gives us all the tools to sustain and grow it and it will also give us a wonderful legacy from what has been a difficult year. I urge people of all faiths to back it and take part.
Rajesh Patel, Co-Chair, Dudley Borough Interfaith Network
Dudley is out in front and is literally blazing this trail, with many parts of the UK following suit. Community spirit has been the great silver lining to the Covid cloud. I’m thrilled that Dudley is in the vanguard of a national push to keep it going and keep it growing once the crisis is over.
Martin Graham, As One UK
For further information on the Dudley As One initiative, please contact: dudley@as-one.uk

Sincere thanks to all the Dudley organisations that have so far actively supported As One in the borough:
- 1st Coseley Scouts
- 1st Wordsley Scouts
- 7th Dudley Scouts
- A’s Fast Fit Autocentre
- AEG Motorhomes
- African & Caribbean Centre
- All Saints Church, Sedgley
- Alpha House, Sedgley
- Amblecote Christian Centre
- Amblecote Primary School
- Amblecote Wordsley Methodist
- Asda, Quinton
- Ashwood Park Primary School
- Bodywork Solutions
- Bridge St Service Centre
- Brierly Hill Methodist Church
- Brierley Hill Primary School
- Brockmore Primary School
- Bromley Hills Primary School
- Christ Church CofE Primary School
- Christ Church Quarry Bank
- Christchurch Lye
- Church in the Community Wollaston
- Church of the Ascension Primary School
- Church of the Ascension Wall Heath
- Colley Lane Primary Academy
- Coop Broadway
- Coop, Bells Lane
- Coop, Milking Bank
- Coop, Spies Lane
- Cornbow
- Cornerstone Church of God of Prophecy
- Coseley Sports Centre
- Cradley Community Centre
- Crestwood Park Primary School
- Crystal Leisure Centre, Stourbridge
- Digraph Transport Supplies Ltd
- Diocese of Worcester
- Dudley & Netherton Methodist Circuit
- Dudley Interfaith Network
- Dudley Leisure Centre
- Dudley Market
- Dudley Metropolatin Borough Council
- Dudley Wood Primary School
- Enterprise Glass & Glazing Ltd
- Eriks
- Eve Lane Pentecostal
- Five Ways Methodist
- Grace Community Church
- Greggs, Stourbridge
- Guru Nanak Singh Sabha Gurdwara
- H2O Carwash
- Halesowen Bid
- Halesowen Leisure Centre
- Hasbury Methodist Church
- Hasbury Motors
- Hawbush Primary School
- Hayes Events Ltd
- Himley Hall
- Himley Road Methodist
- House and Haven
- Hurst Green Primary School
- Jessons Primary School
- Jewsons Partnership Solutions
- Laidle
- St Andrews
- St Augustine and St Barnabas
- St Chad’s Catholic Primary School
- St Francis’ Church Wren’s Nest/Priory
- St James’ Eve Hill
- St James’s CofE Primary School
- St John’s Church Dudley Wood
- St John’s Parish Hall
- St John’s, Brockmoor
- St Joseph’s RC Primary School (Norton)
- St Margaret’s At Hasbury CofE Primary School
- St Margarets Well Medical Practice
- St Mark’s CE Primary School
- St Mark’s, Pensnett
- St Michael’s, Brierley Hill
- St Paul’s Free Anglican
- St Paul’s